
USCCB's Malloy reaffirms 'unwavering solidarity' with Nicaragua's religious leaders, faithful amid government persecution


Catholic Tribune - Arizona Report Apr 28, 2023

Bishop David Malloy | U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops/Facebook

Bishop David J. Malloy, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on International Justice and Peace, recently released a statement about the continuous violations of religious freedom in Nicaragua.

“As we continue to celebrate the joy of Christ’s resurrection during this Easter season, I reaffirm our unwavering solidarity with the bishops, priests, faithful, and all men and women of good will in Nicaragua, who are suffering an intensification of the Nicaraguan Government’s religious persecution.” Malloy said in the April 20 statement. “In addition to a ban on traditional Holy Week outdoor celebrations and processions, the faithful have endured consistent police harassment in churches throughout Nicaragua, confiscation of property, as well as the expulsion from the country of two women religious and a priest, the latter for calling for the release of Bishop Rolando Alvarez, who languishes in prison after being unjustly sentenced to twenty-six years in prison and stripped of his citizenship in February.”

The Nicaraguan government is once again under criticism from the international community for their recent actions against the Catholic Church in the country. Reports indicated that the government has been carrying out abusive and obstructive surveillance, prohibiting public expressions of faith, and even expelling members of the church from the country. The USCCB noted that these actions have been ongoing, and some occurred during the Holy Week and Easter period.

Over the past few years, the Nicaraguan government, led by Daniel Ortega, has arrested and imprisoned several Catholic leaders, including at least one bishop and multiple priests; a Catholic News Agency report said. It is suspected that those leaders were subjected to torture while in detention. The Ortega regime has also been repressing Catholic radio and television stations and has forced Catholic religious orders, such as the Missionaries of Charity, to leave the country.

“Despite these extreme hardships, the Nicaraguan faithful, in union with their bishops and priests, have resiliently borne witness to the power of Christ’s resurrection, as they attended Easter celebrations in record numbers," Malloy said in the statement. "I call on the United States Government and the entire international community to continue to work for the release of Bishop Alvarez, and for a restoration of peace and the rule of law in Nicaragua. May our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, patroness of the United States and Nicaragua, embrace her children during this difficult time, and illuminate them with the light of the risen Christ.”

Reports suggest that Ortega banned outdoor Holy Week celebrations and processions, including the traditional Good Friday and Easter processions, citing security concerns; a recent Crux release said. These actions followed the imprisonment of Bishop Rolando Álvarez of Matagalpa, who was sentenced in February to 26 years in prison, stripped of his citizenship and fined heavily on charges of treason, spreading false news and undermining national integrity.

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