
HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH: Mass Intentions for the Week of Dec. 11


Press release submission Dec 10, 2022

Here are upcoming Mass times intentions for Holy Family Catholic Church in Tucson, AZ:

Sun.  12/11 8:30am Low Mass 
10:30am High Mass  
5:00pm Low Mass 

3RD SUNDAY OF ADVENT (‘GAUDETE’)/ 1st cl. / Rose Mass (Gaudete): Comm. pro Papa, Credo, Pref. of the Trinity 

CS †Christine Dolence by C. Hart & the Kadlec’s
CF Pro populo
CF Canon Silvey & Family by the Kish Family

Mon.  12/12 6:00pm High Mass  

OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE / 1st cl. / White Mass (Salve): Gloria, Comm. of Feria, Credo, Pref. of the B.V. Marian Procession & Blessing of Roses 

CF Andy Stropko by Lanny Stropko
CS Jesus & Lourdes Orozco by the Meents Family

Tue.  12/13 8:00am Low Mass
 St. Lucy, Virgin & Martyr / 3rd class / Red Mass (Dilexisti) : Gloria, Comm. of Feria & pro Papa, Common Preface 
CF †Patricia Ann Treat by Paul McCarthy
CS Karl Stehle by Hunter Fogel
Wed.  12/14 8:00am Low Mass 
Traditional Fasting & Abstinence 

EMBER WEDNESDAY OF ADVENT / 2nd cl. / Violet Mass (Rorate) : Comm. pro Papa, Common Preface 
Wednesday Devotions to St. Joseph 

CF Edward J. McCarthy, Jr. by Paul McCarthy
CS  Kameron Gilbert by Andrew & Andrea Reed

Thur.  12/15 5:00pm Adoration 
6:00pm Low Mass 

Feria of Advent / 3rd class / Rose Mass (Gaudete) : Comm. pro Papa, Common Preface 

CF Special Intention by Susana Mayall
CS †Roy J. Landwehr by the Gauger Family

Fri.  12/16 8:00am Low Mass 
Abstinence & Traditional Fasting
 EMBER FRIDAY OF ADVENT / 2nd cl. / Violet Mass (Prope es) : Comm. of St. Eusebius & pro Papa, Common Preface 
Litany of the Sacred Heart 

CF †William Hart by Susana Mayall
CS Special Intention by Thomas & Dolores Taleck

Sat.  12/17  8:00am Low Mass 
Traditional Fasting & Abstinence 

EMBER SATURDAY OF ADVENT / 2nd cl. / Violet Mass (Veni) : Comm. pro Papa, Common Preface 
Preparatory Novena for Christmas 

CF †Eugene Fehrenbacher by Canon Fehrenbacher
CS †Leo Kimminau by Elsie Kimminau

Sun.  12/18 8:30am Low Mass 
10:30am High Mass  
5:00pm Low Mass 

4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT / 1st cl. / Violet Mass (Rorate): Comm. pro Papa, Credo, Pref. of the Trinity 
Preparatory Novena for Christmas 

CS Margaret Erath & Family by Kathy Wolff
CF Pro populo
CF †Armando DeLeon by the W Jim Yee Family

Original source can be found here

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