
Phoenix bishops: 'Let today’s decision be a turning point for our nation’


Laurie A. Luebbert Jun 29, 2022

Bishop Thomas Olmsted | Diocese of Phoenix

The Most Rev. Thomas J. Olmsted, apostolic administrator, and the Most Rev. Eduardo A. Nevares, auxiliary bishop of Phoenix, applauded the Supreme Court's decision on abortion and said Catholics have a bigger obligation to step up and support pregnant mothers.

“With today’s decision of the U.S. Supreme Court, in Dobbs v. Jackson, I rejoice that our country has begun to repair the damage done to our nation by the catastrophes of Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey—two Court decisions that led to the destruction of more than 60 million lives and confused our nation’s laws and moral conscience,” they said in a joint statement.

The Supreme Court announced a 6-3 decision Friday that nullifies Roe v Wade, which gave women a national right to choose, instead empowering state legislatures to determine the legality of abortion.

“The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision, including the one on which the defenders of Roe and Casey now chiefly rely — the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment,” Justice Samuel Alito wrote about the matter, as reported on CNBC. “It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives."

Seven of Arizona's nine licensed abortion providers halted procedures immediately, at least until the state determines whether it will enforce an 1860s total ban on abortions, except when necessary to save the mother's life, or a more recent law that would ban abortion after 15 weeks into pregnancy, AZ Central reported. It is expected that the Arizona Supreme Court will need to settle the issue.

The Diocese of Phoenix was among those who underscored the Church’s commitment to help women who would be struggling with the prospect of an untimely pregnancy.

“We are ready to help any woman who finds herself pregnant and in need,” the diocese posted on Facebook.

Nationally, Catholic Charities is one organization that provides free support and resources for pregnant women. Catholic Charities offers counseling and helps expectant mothers come up with plans for parenting or for adoption. The organization helps not only through birth, but for the rest of the women’s lives.

The Guttmacher Institute records show more than 63,000,000 abortions were preformed while Roe v Wade was in effect.

Olmsted and Nevares expressed hope for the future.

“Let today’s decision be a turning point for our nation—the day we renew our commitment to uphold the inalienable rights in the Declaration of Independence and build a culture of life and civilization of love,” they said.

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