God is deeply interested in our allegiance, and giving money back to Him and the maintenance of his Church is a very real way to show that we are loyal to him. | Jeff Jacobs/Pixabay
While no one likes paying taxes, they are essential to providing essential services to people in our nation, Cottonwood's Immaculate Conception Catholic Parish said in its Oct. 18 bulletin.
"When we witness malfeasance, overspending, irresponsibility and dishonesty in governmental spending, the grave injustices make an already unpleasant and arduous task even more difficult," the bulletin said. "The inappropriate distribution and use of hard-earned monies can leave a person quite angry and disconnected. It's bad enough the government wants something from me, but now God does, too?"
But God doesn't want our money. God wants our allegiance. He delights in us and asks that we present ourselves to him through gratitude for His earthly kingdom.
"When our exclusive and sincere allegiance is given to God, God can use us to set things right and straight again," the bulletin said. "The wounds of sin distort our relationship and disorder our world. By giving ourselves and all of creation back to God in gratitude, we acknowledge the proper Creator and Author of life for who He is and devote our labors exclusively to God's kingdom and the justice, peace or order God envisions."