Our Lady of Perpetual Help Roman Catholic Parish issued the following announcement on June 14
It is no wonder that followers of Christ are called the Body of Christ. After all, sharing in the same spiritual food and sacred meal, they become what they eat and reveal the Divine Image. There is so much power for healing in the community of believers. Through the Eucharist, Christ becomes as present in those who have partaken of his Body and Blood as he has the elements themselves. The very presence of God touches the depths of the human soul and visits a part of us that no human being can ever hope to explore. We are God’s. The sacred Eucharistic meal is a celebration of intimacy, the reunion of two loves in constant search of and longing for the other.
The community of believers receives the power and the presence to touch and heal in the name of the One they have welcomed within. It is now within their grasp to change the way life is lived and to more intentionally put into practice the Beatitudes that the Divine Guest has revealed. We are asked to be like Christ and work to create a world of sufficiency, where the greed of some no longer creates the want of others but where all of God’s children can find a home and a place at the table of life. The One who makes a home within calls us to live a life that transforms. We are changed ourselves and now become agents of change for others. We are the Body of Christ. God is with us. We have been nourished.
Sadly, many are afraid to try. We know what we are called to do, but we struggle with feelings of doubt as to whether God really is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Do our systems have to change? Is it possible that we somehow missed the mark when we put all of our social networks in place and established the business of our lives? Perhaps we have to radically rethink our approach and that can scare us. We might have to give something up or change, and we don’t want to. As long as want, injustice, division, prejudice, and scarcity still exit, there is tremendous work for the Body of Christ.
El Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo
El Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo es un signo de unidad y es un alimento salvífico. Muy diferente al pan que bajaba del cielo para alimentar a los hebreos por su paso en el desierto. Quien come el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo vivirá para siempre. “Yo soy el pan vivo que ha bajado del cielo. El que coma de este pan vivirá para siempre”. (Juan 6:51). Las lecturas de hoy invitan al creyente a despertar a este hermoso regalo de Jesús en la Eucaristía. Apreciar su presencia viva al recibirlo sabiendo que es el único medio indispensable de participación de lo divino. No cabe la menor duda, lo necesitamos para la jornada de fe.
“Ver que diariamente se humilla, como cuando desde el trono real descendió al seno de la Virgen; diariamente viene a nosotros. Él mismo en humilde apariencia; diariamente desciende del seno del Padre hasta el altar en manos del sacerdote. Y como mostró a los santos apóstoles en carne verdadera, así también ahora se nos muestra a nosotros en el pan consagrado. Y lo mismo que ellos, con la vista corporal, veían solamente carne; pero, con los ojos que contemplan espiritualmente, creían que Él era Dios. Así también nosotros, al ver con los ojos corporales el pan y el vino, veamos y creamos firmemente que es su santísimo cuerpo y sangre vivos y verdaderos”. (Francisco y Clara de Asís Admoniciones 1,16-21). La generosidad de Dios no tiene límite en la Eucaristía, por lo tanto, cabe la siguiente pregunta. Si comulgo frecuentemente, ¿Cómo es mi generosidad para con los demás?
Original source can be found here.
Source: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Roman Catholic Parish