


Press release submission May 6, 2020

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Saint Joseph Roman Catholic Parish issued the following announcement on May 3

This Sunday’s Gospel is always relevant. It deals with the ‘GOOD SHEPHERD’ as a model of true LEADERSHIP. The historical background of the Good Shepherd discourse in John 10 is Ezekiel 24, where the Prophet is mandated to denounce the false leaders (shepherds) of Israel during his time who feed on the sheep instead of feeding them {Ez. 34,3}, in short, leaders who take advantage of their constituents. Over those who pretend to be leaders of the people, JESUS affirms that He is the Good Shepherd. He sets the criteria of True Leadership:

The first is DEDICATION. The True Shepherd is always ready to lay down his own life for the sheep – unlike certain contemporary leaders: Like politicians, labor union leaders in some countries, some ministers and even pastors, who take advantage of or enrich themselves instead of looking after the welfare of their constituents. The second is KNOWLEDGE. The true leader knows his people (Jn. 10, 3). “Knowing” in biblical parlance, is more than intellectual knowledge. It also includes sharing the people’s life condition and identifying oneself with their plight. Hence, a manager who administers his constituents only from his cozy air-conditioned office could not know their life condition. Finally, Christ taught that his apostles and leaders should have SELF-RELIANCE. Not that, when Jesus redeemed us, He never used his divine power. He suffered and died as a man, not as a miracle-worker nor as a ‘do it-all’ savior.

Thus, when Christ ascended to Heaven, his apostles and disciples were left behind with nothing to begin with. They might have complained, “Here we are, no sword, no spear, no defense against the Jewish leaders and the Roman emperor.” WHY? He did not even leave a constitution or by-laws. By omitting all this, Christ must have a very good reason. He wanted to teach them and us that a true leader must not do everything. He should rather inspire and motivate his followers to contribute their share, no matter how small, so that he could say; “It’s not just I who build the Church, but you too – with your sweat, your blood, your doubts and your fears.”

Today, the GOOD SHEPHERD SUNDAY is also the World Day of Prayer for Priestly and Religious Vocations. It highlights a serious problem of the Church which is the shortage of active and holy priests and religious men and women to become religious leaders. In view of this, we active Catholic Christians should do everything we can: To promote priestly and religious vocation campaigns and to support the clergy and their ministries. And finally, in these times there are many crises and chaos (coronavirus/covid-19) going on in the world. Pray fervently to the HOLY SPIRIT to inspire and enlighten many young men and women to continue the missionary work of the Church on EVANGELIZATION in this changing modern world; and ask Jesus, the Good Shepherd and Healer to lead medical experts and brilliant scientists to bring about a reliable vaccine to end this coronavirus/covid-19 that is devastating the whole world. Amen!!! God Bless us all.

#23. A GOOD STORY ON PSALM 23: A story is told of a stage actor who was asked to recite before an audience Psalm 23 on the Lord, our Good Shepherd. He did so with masterful diction and with emotion. The audience applauded him lengthily. But the actor saw an old priest in the audience, and he requested him to come up and recite the same Psalm. The holy priest did so with intense feeling, which left everyone in silent awe. After his recitation, the actor told the audience, “Let us give a standing ovation for this priest. I know the Psalm on the Good Shepherd. He knows very well his Shepherd.” N.B. May we come to know the Risen Christ Jesus, our Good Shepherd!

This Sunday is our World Day of Prayer for Vocations to the Religious Life. On the 5th, we have the Cinco de Mayo, the traditional feast of Mexican people. I hope people will not disobey the social distancing policy in this pandemic time of coronavirus. And on the 7th, we have a National Day of Prayer for the end of this pandemic time of coronavirus. Keep on washing your hands frequently, stay strong and healthy, and stay in your sweet Home. Be alert and be holy in obeying God’s laws and government policies for our protection and safety from this invisible enemy ‘Covid-19’ in our midst. This is all for now, watch the next bulletin. God loves You All!

Original source can be found here.

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